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Bill (Dutch) Weisensale Returns Home

From Spring 2001 AA-EVP NewsJournal

Although we knew that Dutch Weisensale had been fighting cancer for quite some time it was still a very sad evening when we learned that he would no longer be communicating with us in the physical. Our prayers go out to his wife Mary who was instrumental in much of Dutch’s work.

Sarah Estep wrote:

Dutch (Bill) Weisensale and I became close friends almost 25 years ago.  He’d heard about me, somehow, and how I started taping in October 1976, so wrote to me about his work in the field.  We immediately began exchanging letters (in those days neither of us had computers) and answered each other promptly.  George Meek, the developer of Spiricom contacted Dutch and asked if he knew any taper who might be able to reinforce William O’Neil’s work with Spiricom. Dutch suggested George contact me.

About that time, Dutch began an international group he called “Spirit Voices.”  He published a quarterly Journal, largely technical, about his own brilliant work in the field of EVP, and outstanding ideas he had for development.  When Dutch discontinued his group, I felt others in the field needed to know what their colleagues were doing, so I began the AA-EVP in May 1982.  Dutch was very happy I’d done this and supported my every effort.  He remained a member of my AA-EVP until I turned it over to the Butlers in May 2000.  Dutch joined their group and remained very active in working on R&D ideas, along with other members, to enable the invisibles to come through to us more easily and in louder and clearer voices.

Even though he was diagnosed with terminal cancer several years ago, he continued putting all of his efforts into the development of the field of ITC.  Dutch had many treatments for his disease, which would cause him to remain in the hospital for several days at a time.  Just as soon as he was able, he’d return home and continue working in the field that he loved, ITC.

I am sad that Dutch is no longer with us–in a physical sense, although I know he will continue to be aware of all that we do in bringing communication from the spirit world, to our world, here.  No doubt he has already returned to good health, and is busy working with other outstanding scientists from his ‘home’ back there, to help those of us involved with EVP/ITC.

I am sure Dutch was greeted by the Heavenly Choir, upon his return, and the red carpet was laid before him….

Jeff King wrote:

I first made contact with Dutch in the late 1980s, after Sarah had mentioned his work (and address) in her newsletter.  The first interesting parallel between us was that he and I shared a common career and status as what he humorously called a “recycled technician.”  He was ex-Air Force, I was ex-civil aviation.

In gaining copies of all of Dutch’s printed work, I quickly realized that he and I had been on a parallel research path without knowing it.  For my part, Dutch’s insights validated my own, and gave me confidence to go further with formative theories.

At that time, we corresponded via snail-mail, but the major part of my involvement with Dutch was much later via personal emails, where through our collaboration, we both had some satisfying insights to long unanswered technical questions.

I quickly came to greatly admire Dutch’s insights (and direct approach) into the technical realms of EVP research, and felt very privileged to be able to work with him in this pioneering field.

“I know that the technical work will indeed continue for him in a heavenly setting, and that somehow we will be aware of this work and its evolution.

I’ll miss you Dutch…but I’m sure we’ll be hearing from you!!

In one of his last letters to us Dutch wrote: “When I was 14 years old, I learned to ride my Dad’s Harley-Davison in the cornfield behind our house. Off and on during my life I’ve ridden bikes and still have our almost half-century old (1952) Harley in our little shop. Free spirit on the open road, and all that good stuff. Just a keepsake now. I’m hardly in condition to kick start an engine with the displacement of a Volkswagen. Anyway I’ve told Mary that she doesn’t have to worry about me passing on, because when my time comes, if I can’t figure out how to take our Harley along, I’m just simply not going to go, period. — So far I haven’t been able to figure it out. Love, cheers and best wishes to all of you, Dutch and Mary.”

We are sure that Dutch found an exact replica of the Harley waiting for him on the other side.


1 thought on “Bill (Dutch) Weisensale Returns Home”

  1. If someone knows any relatives of Bill or Mary, please reach out to me.

    [Use the contact tool at the bottom of the page and we will relay the message.]


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