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Konstantin Raudive


no_dead_cover_buttonExcerpts from There is No Death and There are No Dead

Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a psychologist, philosopher and Latvian then living in Sweden, read one of the Friedrich Jürgenson books. Raudive was intrigued with the voice phenomena, but skeptical, and asked if he could join Jürgenson for a recording session. After working with Jürgenson, he became convinced that the voices were real. Jürgenson taught Raudive how to record and from 1965 on, he devoted his time to the voice recordings. Both Raudive and Jürgenson were multilingual and the voices they recorded were a mixture of languages. These voices were unlike any normal voice broadcast. The speech was almost double the usual speed and the sound was pulsed in rhythms like poetry or chanting.2(226)

Many engineers, scientists and experts worked with Raudive over the years conducting voice experiments. Physicist, Professor Alexander Schneider, was one of them. In 1969, Raudive and Professor Schneider were jointly given the first prize awarded by the Swiss Association for Parapsychology for their work on direct voice messages on tape recordings.

Although not the first person to record EVP, Raudive is given a good deal of credit for being the first to bring Electronic Voice Phenomena to the attention of a larger audience. His book, The Inaudible Made Audible, was translated into English in 1971 and published by Colin Smythe, Ltd. under the title Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead.1 In the preface to Breakthrough, Smythe wrote that, before publishing the book, he wanted to be sure that the voice phenomenon was real. He did some test recordings and thought that he heard a voice, but he could not understand it. He asked Peter Bander, the editor of Breakthrough, to listen to the tape. After listening, Bander heard a woman’s voice say in German, “Why don’t you open the door?” Bander recognized it as his mother’s voice. Bander and his mother had done all of their correspondence by tape and her voice was unmistakable. The message also made sense, because during the previous week, Bander had insisted on keeping the door of his office closed and his colleagues had teased him for his seclusion. Bander knew that Smythe could not understand German and so asked others to write down phonetically what they heard. They all heard the same thing.

The voices became known as “Raudive Voices” after Breakthrough was published. However, Colin Smythe and Peter Bander became more aware of Friedrich Jürgenson’s role and continued activity in voice phenomena research. It was obvious to them that a less personal and more accurate name needed to be coined for the phenomena. Peter Bander used the term, “Electronic Voice Phenomena,” in the introduction to his book, Carry on Talking. Smythe said that their policy to use the term, “Electronic Voice Phenomenon,” in an official sense was first carried out in a determined fashion in an article written by Malcolm Hughes in The Spiritualist Gazette, in April of 1973.

In 1971, controlled EVP experiments were conducted with Raudive by the chief engineers of Pye Records, Ltd.3 (59-63) Precautions were taken to prevent freak pick-ups of any kind. Controls within the experiment also excluded random high or low frequencies being received. Raudive was not allowed to touch the equipment and was al-lowed only to speak into a microphone. No one present heard anything but Raudive speaking while the recording was being made. However, when the recording was played back, over two hundred voices were found on the eighteen minutes of tape. Many of these messages were personal and very evidential to those who were there. In his book, Carry on Talking, published in 1972, Peter Bander said that there was so much excitement from those who were there that the experiments continued into the early hours of the morning. Carry on Talking was published in the United States as Voices From the Tapes: Recordings from the Other World.3

In 1972, Belling and Lee, Ltd., at Enfield, England, conducted experiments with Raudive and the recording of the paranormal voices in their Radio Frequency Screened Laboratory.3(65-67) Peter Hale supervised the experiments. Peter, a physicist and electronics engineer, was considered the leading expert on electronic-suppression in Great Britain. The Belling and Lee lab was used to test the most sophisticated electronic equipment for British defense and was expressly designed to screen out electromagnetic transmissions. Before the experiment, Hale had expressed his opinion that Raudive’s voices originated from normal radio signals. The lab’s own recording equipment was used for the test and paranormal voices, that should not have been there, were recorded on factory fresh tape. Peter Hale said after the experiment, “I cannot explain what happened in normal physical terms.”

From the section on Maggy Harsch-Fischbach and Jules Harsch: The Director of Timestream was a scientist named Swejen Salter.4(10-14) She told the couple that she was a scientist who had lived in a parallel world and had never lived a life on earth. Salter made frequent telephone contacts to the Harsch-Fischbachs. As time passed many eminent ITC researchers from earth joined the group after their death, including Konstantin Raudive, Friedrich Jürgenson and Klaus Schreiber.

From Important Instances of Cross-Correspondence: On April 28, 1992, a French television crew visited Dr. Ernst Senkowski.5(V11N3) The crew conducted an interview and then tried to record EVP voices without convincing results. Right before they were to leave, the phone rang and it was the deceased pioneer EVP re-searcher, Friedrich Jürgenson, on the line. Permission was granted to record the conversation in which Jürgenson first spoke in French and thanked the television crew. The conversation then continued in German and said that information would also come via the colleagues Homes and Harsch-Fischbach. Ernst wrote, “No outsider knew that the French television crew was here, or planned to be here as the date had been changed shortly before.”

The next day Ernst Senkowski spoke with Maggy Harsch-Fischbach on the telephone and she told him that she had had a seven-minute telephone call from Jürgenson before he had placed the call to Senkowski. Jürgenson told Maggy that they planned to send a picture through to the television set of the German researcher, Adolf Homes.

Over a month later, Homes’ daughter received a phone call from Raudive, which she recorded.6(2/92) Raudive said that a picture of Jürgenson would come through Homes’ television the following day. Homes set up his video camera in front of the television the next day, with the television tuned to a blank channel. He turned the camera on and saw a face flash on the screen. At almost the same time a message from Jürgenson was placed on the computer of Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach.5 (V11N3) The picture received on the Harsch couple’s computer showed Swejen Salter, one of the main communicators for the group on the other side called Timestream, as she transmitted the picture of Jürgenson to the television set of Adolf Homes. The picture received on Homes’ television was only of the face of Jürgenson and it was the exact same picture that can be seen on the transmitting monitor in the middle of the picture sent to the Harsch-Fischbachs.


  1. Raudive, Konstantin—Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead, New York: Taplinger, 1971. First published by Colin Smythe, Ltd. and still available at
  2. Ostrander, Sheila and Lynn Schroeder— Handbook of Psychic Discoveries, Berkeley Publishing Corp., New York, NY, 1975.
  3. Bander, Peter—Voices From the Tapes: Recordings from the Other World, Drake Publishers Inc., New York, 1973. Initial German Language title: Carry on Talking.
  4. Macy, Mark and Dr. Pat Kubis—Conversations Beyond the Light, Griffin Publishing, Irvine, CA, in conjunction with Continuing Life Research, Boulder, CO, 1995.
  5. ATransC NewsJournal—Association TransCommunication, 1982-2003. Please note that the name of the AA-EVP newsletter was changed to the ATransC NewsJournal in 2003,
  6. Info News—English edition of Cercle D’etudes sur la Transcommunicaton, Luxembourg, (Luxembourg Study Circle in Transcommunication,) Translation: Hans Heckman, US Publishing: Continuing Life Research, PO Box 11036, Boulder, CO, 80301. (No longer published.)

Konstantin Raudive Reported Part of “Spirit Team” Working on Transcommunication

From In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship by Robin Foy, page 84*

Although we were still getting the independent voices following this Flint sitting, they did tend for a limited period to be short and concise—just the odd word or name. We obviously needed the further breakthrough and incentive of achieving sustained independent voice contact of the type we had witnessed at Leslie’s home in Bayswater.

Early in December 1977, through John’s trance,- Dr Dunn had more to say on the subject of the Brotherhood:

You may recall that I mentioned the Brotherhood. Well, at the same time, when I did so, I had the distinct impression that you were thinking of some esoteric figures, dressed in raiment rather like the Ku Klux Klan of America, or some phantom figures in flowing white robes.

I can assure you that this Brotherhood is nothing like that. In fact, the Brotherhood of which I speak is composed of people—scientists mostly—who were involved in this Spiritualism before their passing over to the spirit world, and they are currently working on a revival of “real” Spiritualism if you like.

Sir William Crookes is a member, Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, too. There’s W T Stead, there’s Miles and Gurney. Lots of people like that, and this is the Brotherhood. They are trying to bring back physical phenomena again, and they are also in contact with Konstantin Raudive.

In fact, these are the two things which they are currently working on. They are interested in Raudive— we call it “Raudive,” in regard of this being an accepted term for it on this side, and they are very concerned that you recognize how important it is for this group to progress, now that you have drawn these people to you.

This brotherhood is not, as I have said, some esoteric clan, but these are very determined and anxious people—anxious in the sense that they are so incensed with the mediocrity that in many cases pass for mediumship these days—and they wish to bring something of repute back to the movement in which they were involved, because as you know, their names have been somewhat tarnished in the past, and indeed, presently too.

I was urged by Dr Dunn to continue my experiments with the EVP in addition to my circle work, and was told that I would be assisted by my spirit friend Elmer Browne and indeed, Konstantin Raudive himself, in this work.

Foy, Robin, In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship, Janus Publishing Company, London, England, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-85756-662-8


2 thoughts on “Konstantin Raudive”

  1. A Rio do tempo é maravilhosa, e mais ainda o Sr. Raudive, de quem tanto temos apreço.

    Google Translation:

    Rio do tempo is wonderful, and even more so is Mr. Raudive, whom we appreciate so much.”


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