All material on this page: (c) Simone Santos TCI Seattle 2019
From Simone Santos
TCI Seattle

“We have a few images that look like non-human entities and we would like to show them to you.
“Our bridge is through Timestream and our communicators are Roberto Gomes and Ana Luiza, since we started. All images were captured spontaneously, we didn’t ask for the spiritual team to form these images and they were mixed with the images we normally capture. Until today, we captured only these few images that for us look non-human. Why? We don’t know, but it’s a significantly small portion, compared with the ones that look human.”
“Funny thing, I originally said “Not ET”, but upon looking at it today when it came up in my news feed, my first impression was that it was a reptilian face that is somewhat familiar to me – I didn’t realize that I’d attempted this before.”