All material on this page: (c) Margaret Downey 2019
From Margaret

The attached blue image was received via a modified version of Earland Babcock’s bottle technique.* I take photos of a clear bottle, partially filled with water, backlit with a colored light strip, while gently rocking it back and forth to create movement on the surface of the water.
The images in the collage, except the upper left (which is a still photo of a crystal), were obtained via my original water ITC setup consisting of a translucent pot partially filled with water, suspended above an empty dark pot. With this setup, I create movement by wiggling my fingers in the water while taking video, or still photos. The light source is above the pot and the camera held at an angle.
These are images for which I feel my request for those “who never incarnated on earth” (or similar phrasing) to please show themselves have been responded to. I’ve been drawn to requesting ET images for many years.
* ATransC members were introduced to the method by Arthur Soesman.