All material on this page: (c) Jeremy Michael Bloxsom 2019
From Jeremy:

When I first started working with Margaret Downey’s basic water ITC technique back in January of 2010, I had a somewhat striking alien face manifest for me during my second session ever. I remember it was fairly late at night/early in the morning when I conducted the session (around 2 AM). I was using a standard-sized ceramic cereal bowl and had filled it about 3/4 full of water (similar to the picture below).
During this particular session, I had a tree lamp shining down into the water-filled bowl. I was using a standard bulb that was of standard color temperature. The session was recorded with the video camera on the iPod Nano 5G I had at the time (standard definition). If I remember correctly, my sessions back then were 1-2 minutes in duration (which made analyzing the video footage an arduous task).
While examining the video frames for this session, the alien-looking face pictured below immediately caught my attention. It was large in size (taking up the majority of the water surface space in the bowl). I’ve had nothing even remotely close to it manifest for me since. The video frame the image appeared in had a blue tint to it, which was odd (as I was using lighting that was of standard color temperature during the session).
The image below was cropped out of its original frame. It has not been edited in any other way. Regrettably, I discarded both the original frame and the video footage that the image appeared in. This was a beginner’s mistake that I’ve been beating myself up over ever since. At the time I hadn’t yet gotten into the habit of saving both the cropped image and the entire video frame. Being that I had images of this quality manifesting for me so early on in my water ITC experiments, I was also under the naïve impression that images such as these are commonplace while working with this ITC method. I wasn’t fully aware of how rare and potentially significant these images are.

I’ve only shown this image to a handful of people over the last ten years. I know how bewildering evidence such as this is to the inexperienced and the uninformed. I also know how nonsensical it appears to small-minded skeptics. I didn’t believe most people were ready for it. I assumed they’d either laugh it off or dismiss it outright, so I figured putting it out there would be a complete and total waste of my time.
I’m of the opinion now, however, that this evidence needs to be unveiled and shared. Even if it’s only currently embraced by a select few, more and more people will take an interest in it as we move into the future. Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) research will end up playing a major role in the expansion of human consciousness, I think. When all is said and done it will introduce countless numbers of people to miraculous new realities and possibilities.