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ITC experiments using Light Reflected from Water

©Margaret Downey – All Rights Reserved

As Margaret Downey explains her experimental set-up, “I have a Canon PowerShot A75 Digital camera. It allows me to do thirty seconds of video at a time. I leave it on the highest resolution (640 x 480 pixels). For effects, I use the function button to set the camera to shoot in sepia (a brownish tone), tungsten (which makes it blue), and black and white. I also do a session using just normal settings.

“The experiments are done on my stove and the setup is very basic. The light in the stove hood is used as the light source. Then depending on my whim, I will use a black pot filled about half way with water or a translucent, amber colored Vision CorningWare pot half filled with water which I set either directly on the stove top or I suspend in the empty black pot. (editor: Margaret has joked that her Vision CorningWare pot really should be called Visionware!)

“I hold the video camera in my right hand and wiggle my left fingers in the water while I record the ripples. I get better results if I use my fingers rather than using a spoon or other object to stir the water. I first look through the viewfinder screen, to make sure I’m holding the camera at an angle where it catches the light reflection in the water. This position is not quite directly over it, but from above and at a slight angle. At the same time, I respectfully request for any people or animals in spirit who would like to show themselves, to please do so.

c2006margaret_downey-grandfather_composit_web“Once in awhile, I’ll place a crystal or a crystal ball in the water. And sometimes I ask my hubby to shine red and blue lights in the water.

“After filming, I remove the compact memory card from the camera and place it into my computer. The file is transferred into a software program on my Mac called iMovie, which allows me to look at the video one frame at a time. When I see something in a frame, I’m able to save that single frame as a jpg file. And from that jpg, I crop out the image(s) I wish to keep. I keep both the unedited full frame along with my edited/cropped version. Once in awhile, I keep the entire video, but most of the time I dump it in order to help save hard drive space.”

c2006margaret_downey-a_man_webIn one experiment, Margaret asked for her grandparents and received this ITC picture of a bearded man she feels is her Great Great Grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Main Sr. He was a physician and Baptist minister who crossed in 1913. Today, he and his grandson, Lewis (Margaret’s grandfather who crossed in 1993), help her in making connections to other people.

Steve is a friend of Margaret’s friend, Linda, who likes to “pop in” to Margaret’s EVP sessions to call Linda’s name. Linda had asked her to call on him and this is the image that showed up. Linda said that there is enough of a resemblance that she feels he was doing what he could to show himself to her.

c2006margaret_downey-indian_face_webMargaret also has captured a picture of a face that she feels is her Indian guide, Walking Sun, who she had asked to come through during an experiment. Margaret had a reading from a Shaman who told her, “Margaret’s heart hears the drum beat of Mother Earth and her spirit finds the stairway to Father Sky.” She told Margaret that if she asked for her guide, Walking Sun, he would come. Margaret says, “One of the Shaman’s comments in my reading was that people with “dove medicine” can see between the worlds and the veil between earth and the spirit world is thin for them. She talked about being clairaudient and hearing spirit/sensing vibrations. It was so fun to be able to tell her after the reading about EVP/ITC!”

Margaret feels that she has gotten some excellent readings from people on the Internet and through eBay.

ITC Face Closely Matches Original

Update from the Spring 2007 NewsJournal

francksi2-1-from-daniele-gullaIn the last NewsJournal, we reported about how Margaret Downey conducts visual ITC experiments using moving water for optical energy. The article can be read in the Techniques section of

Daniele Gullà, with the Italian ITC lab, Il Laboratorio (defunct), read the article and decided to see if his forensic-quality face recognition software would help compare Margaret’s ITC image with a photograph of her great great grandfather while he was in the physical.

Gullà wrote: “I have processed the human face as a 3D model and rotated it to superimpose over the ITC face. I have compared the repere [reference] points (only 5: eyes, lips, nasal and subnasal) in the human face and ITC face. The final result is that the difference in the two images is inferior to [less than] 5%. They are very similar!”

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14 thoughts on “ITC experiments using Light Reflected from Water”

    • We do little public work in this area these days. It has always been our practice to encourage others to learn to work with these phenomena for themselves. We all have the potential. Having others do it for us transfers the trust of our ability to others … in effect, giving away personal power.

      We are happy to answer specific questions you may have about the technique as you learn.

  1. Can you tell me if my 2 deceased Chihuahuas are alive in Heaven?

    • Treata, we have reason to think that, for all life forms, life goes on after physical death. Our real self is not our human. We are in something of an avatar relationship with our human. But both our immortal self and our human are life fields.

      We are pretty sure our immortal self is part of a group consciousness. In the same way, your Chihuahuas are thought to be in a collective representing every member of its species. I like to think of every life form as being part of a choir. When the lifeform is in the physical … during a lifetime … it is singing a solo, but when it can no longer remain in the physical, it steps back into the choir. As a member of the collective-chior, it is still itself, but it is also part of the larger community.

      We are like that in many respects. I think all life forms are like that. It is just that some express individuality more than others … here and hereafter.

    • Dorothy, You are after agitated water to produce a chaotic reflection of light. There is no need to heat the water … room temperature is fine. Some people boil water in a clear glass coffee pot and photograph the resulting bubbles. Other, heat the water and photograph the steam.

      You can see that people try all kinds of ways to produce chaotic light.

  2. My name is Rhonda Ellis. Would you know anybody that would do this in cheatham Tennessee? My daughter was murdered about 2 years ago and I would like to have this done.

    • Rhonda, this is a really easy way to collect examples of visual ITC. A bowl of water agitated with your finger while taking pictures with your cell phone will do. Experiment. While some people are more able then others, it is a skill you can develop. Perhaps a little meditation before the experiment to visualize your daughter. All of the techniques I have seen for reunions suggest a lot of pre-session focus on memories.

      Since we are no longer a membership organization, we are not keeping track of who is doing what. Conduct an internet search for a local haunt investigation group. Those folk often have a few members who work with EVP. If so, they may be interested in working with you.

      Good luck!

  3. Tom & Lisa,
    My name is Kevin, and I became very interested in various techniques of ITC after my mother passed in 2013. I began with EVP, where I began getting amazing communication; only to find I was SO open that I received many EVP of which I would find disturbing. I searched the internet and YouTube to try to find others that worked in this field, and ran across Mark Macy and his research; as well as Sarah’s AAEVP site(which has now changed of course). I’ve learned so so much over the years, and have gotten truly astonishing results with many techniques. EVP, water, light, smoke, laser, video feedback loop, spiritbox. I truly believe that people should understand that we are the best conduit for connecting with our loved ones(IMO). Who best to connect with our loved ones on the other side than those closest to them? My mother has shown herself initially via Schreiber’s video feedback technique with such clarity; in which I’ve never topped since. I’ve worked with Direct Radio Voice(Marcello Bacci) technique many times as well, but much like most EVP, clarity is minimal.
    Anyway, I truly want to thank you all for your hard work and sharing knowledge with others, so that we may grow in understanding and become more connected spiritually with both loved ones, and communicators from the spirit dimensions as well. God bless you friends, for all you do!
    Kevin / Minnesota

  4. Thank you Tom and Lisa
    I heard of you on WHITE NOISE. Been
    Interested ever since. My Twin sister and I are very much into the Paranormal and we both
    Hear spirits. I was wondering if by chance you
    Have a monthly Newsletter?


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