AA-EVP Publishing
The ATransC has published four books as AA-EVP Publishing.
These books are a set containing the Association TransCommunication website pages. The set has been compiled to preserve website contents to help assure that future paranormalists will have access to the material. The website includes study and research reports, examples of ITC, techniques for collecting ITC, Best Practices and personal stories about ITC-related reunions. ATransC.org will continue to be available to the public, but will be discontinued when the Directors are no longer able to maintain the pages.
Exclusively on Amazon at amazon.com/gp/product/B08SMM4RW6?ref_=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_tpbk&binding=paperback

Sarah Estep’s Roads to Eternity
“To read Sarah Wilson Estep’s Roads to Eternity is to travel a remarkable journey into the unseen world. At every adventurous step, at every exciting new discovery; the readers are assured that they are guided by a knowledgeable and experienced paranormal researcher, a pioneer in the field of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Sarah Wilson Estep’s vast files of 25,000 recorded voices of the ‘Invisibles’—whether they represent themselves as spirits of the deceased, extraterrestrial entities, or multi-dimensional beings—will provide thrilling inspiration for the seeker and startling revelation for the skeptic.” Brad Steiger, author of Things that Go Bump in the Night
Here is the free PDF download

Sarah Estep’s Voices of Eternity
Review in Amazon by Beauty and Healing
5.0 out of 5 stars Important for After Death Studies and Research. a Truly Amazing Book.
Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2015
EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomena has been around for as long as recording equipment has existed, but Sara Wilson Estep, a teacher from Maryland, was one of the most prolific recorders and researchers ever. Picking up spirit voices on tape was something that occasionally occurred, but Estep made a daily study and habit of recording so that the sheer volume of voices is extraordinary. She collected literally thousands of voices, and in this book, she shares the messages from the tapes. Estep also chronicles the different innovations that she made during her years of perfecting her technique. While perhaps this isn’t a literary masterpiece, it is an extremely important document in the world of scientific research on life after death.
Here is the free PDF download
New Book!
Transcommunication White Paper
with Emphasis on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
The Transcommunication White Paper is intended to document what is currently known by the ATransC directors about transcommunication. It includes background information about theory, concepts and techniques that are important for the understanding of phenomena related to EVP-ITC, psychic and mediumistic phenomena.
Please note that there is a version of this paper, including a free downloadable PDF, at atransc.org.
I refer people to the Transcommunication White Paper five or six times a week. When I do so, I always wish I had the opportunity to explain the importance of personal development.
The three most important points I would make about personal development are concerned with how we think, the effect of how we think on what we experience and how to apply that knowledge toward becoming more self-aware.
This little book includes all of that. The book is exclusively available on Amazon
Good to Know About the Paranormal
Answers by Tom Butler to Quora.com Questions

Many of you know that I have spent a lot of time answering questions about things paranormal on Quora.com. The first was the 2017 question: “How accurate is EVP recordings?”
I have been answering the questions because most of the other answers are simply wrong, anti-paranormal or misleading. Our community is still developing a culture that supports free discovery and meaningful sharing of ideas. It has been my vision that my answers might somehow aid in developing that culture.
As it turns out, I have answered quite a lot of Quora.com questions. I have compiled 240 of my answers into a book.
There is No Death and There are No Dead
Lisa and I wrote There is No Death and There are No Dead to introduce ourselves to ATransC members and as a guide for working with ITC.
The book has received considerable praise as an introductory book. 100% of the proceeds have gone to support operations, outreach and research conducted by the Association.
Available on Amazon
Message from Jim Walton:
While many of the referenced in this book (2004 printing) are no longer available, at least one is an unfortunate reference. Not only is www.aaevp.com no longer connected with the book, it is now “AAEVP Dating” which subheads with “Find a Local F***.” I doubt there is anything you can do about it, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention, as it isn’t something you want to be associated with. |
I’m Still Here
AA-EVP member Martha Copeland wrote I’m Still Here. Martha was an active member of the Big Circle. The book provides an important study of the way Martha coped with the untimely loss of her daughter, Cathy. Beyond the grief, I’m Still Here includes hints about how Cathy might respond to death, the ways she did find to communicate after transition and how other members of the Big Circle helped Martha.
It is Martha’s EVP of Cathy scolding her still physical dog Doja that gives us important proof that we survive physical death. Listen to hear “Doja no.
Available on Amazon.com
Your Immortal Self, Exploring the Mindful Way
More time became available for me to write after we changed the ATransC away from a member-supported organization. I am a theoretician by nature and speaking as a mystic, I see a world of patterns in the play of concepts, rather than as a “nuts and bolts” world.
It has been natural for me to see ITC as a pattern of interacting concepts. Again as a mystic, it is as if the pattern is a self-organizing model in my mind’s eye that shows me how one phenomenon relates/compares to another.
In my mind, the most important aspect of these phenomena is the way we are part of the dance … not as humans, but as immortal personalities. It has been through ITC, especially EVP, that I have come to see our actual nature as a conduit for the formation of the speech and images of ITC in our physical devices.
Your Immortal Self represents an effort to explain our relationship with these phenomena, the nature of our actual self and how we might learn to be better ITC practitioners by being more successful seekers. The book begins with a comprehensive effort to define the Survival Hypothesis and establish verifiable proof.
Available on Amazon.com
Exploring the Mindful Way
I have been told that Your Immortal Self is a difficult read. While I understand, I wrote this in Your Immortal Self:
Not trying to understand this material because it is too complicated is unacceptable. An old Zen Buddhist saying: “Before enlightenment chop wood – carry water, after enlightenment chop wood – carry water.” One must do the work to understand. One must do the work to continue learning. Study the material and do not expect to understand all of it with one reading. Contemplate your worldview.
Even so, much of my writing today is in the form of finding ways to illustrate the principles described in Your Immortal Self as they apply to particular situations. In doing so, I hope to make the principles more approachable and help pave the way to spiritual maturity for my readers. Exploring the Mindful Way is a compilation of 21 such essays.
Available on Amazon: Kindle and paperback.
ATransC Newsjournal Archive
Remember that all of the AA-EVP/ATransC newsletters are available online. They represent an important resource for historians and researchers. We can send you a combined PDF of all the newsletters at your request.
Bill (Dutch) Weisensale’s Spirit Voices, published between 1980 and 1995, are also online.