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About the AA-EVP

by Tom and Lisa Butler, 2001


Many of you have heard of the American Association – Electronic Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP).  It is an Association founded by Sarah Estep in 1982 in the USA as her way of helping people learn about and experiment with EVP.  Sarah asked us to assume leadership of the AA-EVP in May of 2000, almost exactly eighteen years after the Association was founded.

The AA-EVP publishes a quarterly newsletter designed to keep members up to date on what other members are learning about and receiving through EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication).  The newsletter provides news about EVP/ITC activities from around the world.  The Association now has a web site at to help the public learn about EVP/ITC and an email distribution service, in which members can exchange emails as a group.  The web site has sample EVP voices that can be listened to as well as transimages and Spirit Photographs that researchers have gotten.

The Association reports on people who hear from and capture images of those on the other side through all kinds of electronic devices.  Long gone are the days that messages and pictures were received only on simple tape records or cameras.  Today reports are received from people who get EVP by recording directly onto their computers.  Messages are received on answering machines, digital note takers and all manner of recording devices.  People also still report the phenomena of receiving a phone call from someone who has died.

Many people are still capturing spirit photographs with their cameras, but now more and more people are using their video cameras to receive what is called “transimages.”  The digital camera was bound to not be far behind and we have now seen transimages captured in this way.  Erland Babcock of the USA has made the change from experimenting with video ITC to working with a digital camera.  The interesting thing about his digital camera work is that, unlike the use of a feedback circuit in video ITC, Erland depends on background colors, textures and intensities to provide the needed optical energy.

One thing that is for certain is that those in other dimensions want to communicate with us and are using all manner of technology to do this.  As we make technological advances, they are quick to use them to communicate with us.

Many people use EVP/ITC to reach and communicate with loved ones that have passed into the next plane of existence and there are many interesting and wonderful stories that are shared.  One member received an EVP message from her dead husband, but she did not believe it.  He told her to take her camera, turn on the TV and take a picture.  She did and could make out that it was indeed her husband.  Another member consistently hears from two sisters who have gone to the other side.  They tell of how wonderful it is to be free of their physical bodies that were old and filled with disease.  They speak of being in a beautiful place.  Still others have reported receiving messages from those whom they did not know on earth but who tell them that they were related in a past life.  Researchers have even described both messages and transimages that come from those who claim to be what we would call extraterrestrial.

One of the interesting speculations AA-EVP members have discussed recently is that some EVP messages may actually be coming from the thoughts of living people.  Members have reported recording messages that seem to come from a person that is still on earth.  We recently ran a sleep experiment in which we tried to reach Sarah Estep while she was sleeping and she did the same with us.  Messages were recorded that indicated that we were both receiving messages from the other experimenter while they slept.

Several experimenters receive loud EVP messages without using any background noise.  However, most EVP experimenters provide background noise while recording.  Simple noise generators, such as a fan in the room or a radio turned off station, are commonly used. Special noise generators are also used, such as the germanium device that is often referred to as the Scole Device.  It is thought that the entities modulate this energy into intelligible phrases.  Adding noise seems to increase the volume at which the EVP are received.  Sometimes, even the words spoken by the experimenter are changed to form EVP messages.

Central to EVP research findings is energy—both physical and etheric.  For instance, in a séance, the energy brought to the room by the participant’s sense of community and great expectations can be compared to the energy of the sound noise just discussed.  The entities seem to use all kinds of energy to communicate.  This may be communication through a medium as a spirit greeting or through devices as are used in EVP experiments.  This idea also suggests that direct voice in a séance may be facilitated with the addition of sound energy in the room.  It would be interesting to see if this is true.

There is some evidence that the experimenter is part of the recording circuit.  That is to say that the experimenter’s mediumship or psychic ability may have an influence on the quantity and quality of EVP messages and transimages.  There is disagreement about this as some successful experimenters do not believe that they have mediumistic abilities.  Also, members with a science background would like this concept to be better researched before such statements are made.

Experimenters have reported that they have better contact for a while when they try a new recording technique.  It appears that the experimenter’s enthusiasm is shared by the entities.  However, once the newness of the approach wears off, the quality of contact often returns to “average.”  From this, researchers are beginning to conclude that it is important for them to experiment when they are “fresh” and interested, rather than when they feel they have to record to maintain a schedule.

AA-EVP members have varied interests.  There are many that are active in recording EVP and ITC.  Others belong to the Association because they are interested in keeping up with EVP/ITC and want to support the effort to improve the understanding of this phenomenon.  There are also members who are actively involved in EVP/ITC research.

Alexander MacRae of Scotland has focused on the acoustical properties of EVP with a device that has given him good results. Alec is well aware of the need for good science in EVP and continues to devote much of his time to research, education and documentation.

Mark Macy of the USA is a long-time contributor to EVP and ITC.  His authoritative work is published around the world.  Mark is currently experimenting with a Luminator (Bioluminator developed by Patrick Richards).  As Mark has told us, “For ITC, I like the fact that the Luminator seems to melt away some of the subtle barriers between our physical world and the spiritual worlds that are superimposed over our reality.”  Photographs taken of people setting in the Luminator field seems to show the presence of nonphysical entities.

Tina Laurent is an active researcher in the UK.  She has been involved in this research for 20 years and personally knew many of the people who originally made the phenomena of EVP known to the public.  She regularly lectures on the subject and many of you have probably read her article on EVP that was published in The Spiritual Scientist.

Anabela Cardoso is receiving excellent communication from those on the other side who say that they are part of the group, Timestream.  She publishes the excellent ITC Journal that documents her contacts and includes articles from renowned researchers and specialist in ITC.

Jacques and Monique Blanc-Garin provide an excellent French journal called Le Messager.  They were recently given an award for the work, conferences that they do in the ITC field.

Finally, Dale Palmer of the USA, along with his family, has formed the Noetics Institute. [Editor: The the Noetics Institute is no longer in existence] Through the Noetics Institute, and working with Brazilian ITC researchers, Dale has funded the establishment of a web site designed to permit the public to log on and conduct EVP/ITC experiments.  This is no small undertaking.  It has been necessary to purchase considerable computer capacity and to develop new software.  The site is currently in the early stages of testing, but it should be on line soon.  Keep an eye on the AA-EVP web site for the announcement and the new web address.

The list of active EVP/ITC researchers is long.  As the veterans retire from research, new people are becoming interested enough to step forward and continue the work.  The AA-EVP has been working with groups around the world in an effort to find ways to further research in EVP/ITC.  We see our leadership with the AA-EVP as an extraordinary opportunity to bring together these discoveries and make them accessible to whomsoever may be interested.  In this way, we hope to promote further research.  We consider the work done at Scole very important to this effort.  As we see it, all forms of transreality communication hold the potential to improve Humankind’s understanding of the nature of our reality and the knowledge that death is simply a continuation of our present life.

This article was initially published in The Spiritual Scientist, A magazine of the Spiritual Science Foundation (more commonly known as the Scole Group).  The Scole Group has established a substantial presence in the world as a confederation of small development groups who follow the Scole method for mediumship and group development.  If you are interested in starting a home circle for séances and mediumship development for spirit communications, please take a look at the Scole Group website.

The Butlers had just assumed leadership of the AA-EVP when they wrote this article. Much has been learned since.


8 thoughts on “About the AA-EVP”

  1. I believe I saw in your book “There is No Death” (1st Ed., 2nd printing 2003) a brief note of a session in which about 36 spirits materialized, but I cannot now locate it. Can you please identify the page or chapter where I saw it or where I can find more info on that event?

    Thank you for the work you put into the book and all the work since! You are certainly moving the ball toward the critical goal of a real understanding of our reality.

    • Thanks for the good words, Paul.

      I did a search of the book but could not find the reference you asked about … or anything like it.

  2. Tom
    Going thorough old books and papers i found a letter I requested from you guys in 1991. Although i sought you guys for info, I remember taking to an older woman. Of course I was very young so anyone would have been old to me at the time. I also remember getting a hand written letter along with the quarterly newsletter, VOLUME 10 number 1. I remember seeing something on TV???? Where you were using a radio in dead space and a reel to reel. Or maybe that’s what I did. I never thanked you guys, and have caught my own EVP’s since then.
    Today I am an Electronic Engineer, and have developed my own things to build and experiment with. Haven’t done much lately but I always think about the person that got me interested and basically started in to the ghostly realm. I have some great stories I would love to share some day. In short not only did i see hear and interact with persons from the other side. I met their living relatives by coincidence and got them to confirm what i saw and felt with 100% accuracy. This didn’t just happen once either.
    In any case thank you! I was very surprised to find you on the web, but its good I did.
    I still have the newsletter and the cover letter. now that I look at the cover letter, it is signed Sarah Estep. This must be the person I spoke to very long ago. She told me there were member near me.
    I still have the envelope with a 52 cent stamp that says LOVE on it.

    take care!

    • Thank you for taking the time to let us know.

      Of course, Sarah is on the other side now. She was an impressive communicator, and we expect she helped many people.

      Remembrance and appreciation is fine, but it required active participation of the community to keep the Association going.

  3. Hi,

    I’m currently working on/researching for a couple of YouTube videos, for the use of voice/field recorders in investigations and on EVPs. I’m trying to find out who first coined the term Electronic Voice Phenomena and who first classified EVPs.

    During my research I came across an article written by Karl Sherlock, on the Pacific Paranormal Investigations website, which states that Sarah was the originator of the EVP classification system. Do you have any documentation on this that you would be willing to send me? Specifically with regards to the actual classification level descriptions.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    One last thing; has an article on the AA-EVP, in which it states [right at the very beginning of the article] that Sarah founded the association in 1972, not 1982 as stated in the article above. I assume this is a typo on’s part.

    Kind regards,


    • Rich, take a look at the bottom of (I just added that part from an old FAQ.)

      Sarah had not specified where she got the idea for the classification system. We were reminded by a member that Konstantin Raudive may have been the first to publish the Class system in use. Beyond that, we do not know. I have proposed an update to the classification system to better work with visual ITC. It is at

      And yes, Sarah started the AA-EVP in 1982. We assumed leadership in 2000. As I remember, I tried to get them to correct that a few years ago.

      Good luck with your videos.

  4. Is it possible to become a member of the AA.EVP, and to receive the information quarterly?
    Alex Rubino Pedersen


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