Of the many forms of paranormal photography, faces sometimes found in photographs of turned off television screens seems to be the most unusual. In spirit photography, the presence of an “extra” or apparition in the photographic frame is consistent with the concept that we who are still in the flesh are providing sufficient energy (perhaps ectoplasm) with which the entity can become visible to the sensitive film or digital circuitry. In Photographic ITC, faces and other features that can sometimes be found in the optical noise of photographs is consistent with principles thought to be involved in Video ITC and EVP. But the presence of a face on a television screen, as if it were a photograph cut out and glued to the screen to be photographed, does not agree with any of the hypotheses presented thus far.
By the way, we have seen enough examples of this form of phenomena to accept the validity of these examples.
Thus, we are beginning a collection of such pictures with the hope that a pattern will emerge that will either fit this form of nonphysical phenomena into existing hypotheses or suggest a new one. So please, if you have an example of the phenomena as shown here, send it to us along with permission to use it in our study and details of how the picture was taken.

This picture was taken in Las Vegas, Nevada and originally published in the October 1995 National Spiritualist Summit magazine. You can see a little boy taking his first steps. The picture was taken by the boy’s mother who is also the sister of the lady whose upper portion of her face is visible on the turned off television screen.
A confirming point to this is that it is reasonable for the deceased sister to “show up” for the boy’s first step. The face was not visible when the picture was taken.
Please Note: We have recently had a complaint that this picture must be a fake because the camera is aimed more at the TV than at the boy–odd for such an important event in the Boy’s life. We, as a matter of fact, are more interested in the face on the wall than the boy and have cropped the original picture, which was indeed, centered on the boy.
Also, it is an interesting characteristic of phenomenal faces in all forms, that the bottom of the face is frequently obscured in some way.
It is important that you do not let your natural suspicions keep you from the opportunity to learn about these phenomena.
We know that this picture has been used in a preview for the movie, White Noise. Universal received permission to do so.
Originally published in the Fall 2003 ATransC NewsJournal.

This picture, which was cropped from the original photograph, appeared in Le Messager No. 37, the journal of the French ITC group, Infinitude. The picture was submitted by Français F. Sabatier & S. Barrez of Marseille. The television was turned off at the time and the face on the screen is thought to be a guardian angle.
We have collected other such photographs from various sources, as has Jacques Blanc-Garin of Infinitude. Jacques observed that, except for one example, all that he has seen have been associated with a small child. Also, the television is turned off in just about every example.
Originally published in the Fall 2003 ATransC NewsJournal.
While the other examples on this page appear to be faces formed “in” a turned off TV, this is an example of an apparently paranormal feature formed in light reflected from a turned off TV screen.
We will refer to the experiencer as “Mr. D” to respect his privacy. The middle picture is a cropped and enhanced version of the original shown on the left. Mr. D was taking a picture of his pet, and the rather large screen was incidental to the picture. As you can see, the feature is formed in the noise from the flash. The picture on the right is the same as the middle, but we have traced important features in an attempt to make the feature more easily distinguished.
As we see the picture, it is of a man sitting on an easy chair or couch with his left hand on the left armrest. Based on his posture, his left leg would be turned nearly against the chair, knee nearly under the arm rest. As we can see in the original picture, he is wearing an unbuttoned dark red jacket that has piping around the buttons and collar. The jacket has a high, stiff collar that is close to the throat. He apparently has short dark hair and is facing to his left side, face slightly lifted as if appealing to God. His left hand either has six fingers that are more serpentine than bony or he has a very large ring on his index finger. He is either holding something like the neck of a guitar in his right hand and close to his chest, or his right hand is there and it has six fingers; however, if fingers, they appear to be bony.
Originally published in the Summer 2006 ATransC NewsJournal
I have a picture that was recently took and the face in the TV is creepy I would like to submit it to you who do I send it to?
Bernece, I will sen you an email with an address. Thanks!
I have several pictures of unexplained reflections I could see clearly in the screen of my TV that was off, but couldn’t see in the room with my bare eyes. I’d very much like to find someone I can send these photos to that has experience in the paranormal field and can possibly give me some factual answers.
Laura, We are interested in seeing what you have. I will send you an email with the address.
Thanks for thinking of us.