Previously published in the August 2008 ITC Journal:

Since 1998, I have received several Direct Radio Voice (DRV) communications from a little voice that identifies itself as Nisha’s, one of my beloved deceased Doberman dogs.
In 2001, I published in issue 5 of the ITC Journal “La historia de Tuly” (pp. 77- 80) by Maryvonne and Yvon Dray about an ITC contact with their daughter Karine’s deceased dog, Tuly. Like Nisha, Tuly is reported to have spoken with a human voice and to have said in French “Moi, j’comprends tout” (Me, I understand everything). The Drays, who are originally French, have also recorded sounds of horses, birds and cats. I myself, while recording a long DRV communication from Rio do Tempo Station, in March 1999, captured a beautiful bird singing and immediately asked the communicators if they had a little bird with them. Their immediate reply was, also, “Sim” (Yes).
The moving story of Darren and Alex Williams’ communications with their beloved dog Fox was recently published in issues 29 and 30 of the ITC Journal and this was followed by Sonia Rinaldi’s paper “Contatos de Animais – Irrealidade ou uma Possibilidade?” published in issue 31 of the Journal (pp. 38 – 46). This story is about ITC contacts with Claudio Brasil’s deceased parrot, Lorinho, realized through the mediation of Sonia Rinaldi. Before publication of the article, I heard some of the audio files containing the communications that are the basis for it, and I can testify that I could easily understand most of the speech transcriptions that Sonia had sent me, together with the audio clips, pronounced in what sounded like a parrot’s voice speaking in Portuguese. Communications with animals seem to date from the very beginning of ITC contacts, and perhaps Klaus Schreiber was the first to report on them. In his case, the striking EVP recording of a voice that identified itself as belonging to his deceased crow Jakob (Holbe, 1989 p. 126).
In my editorial “Love Stories”, in issue 29 of the ITC Journal, I have described some facts of my life associated with the love for my beautiful dog Surya – to whom I owe, above and beyond many other things, the opening of the door to transcendence – and how I feel about these wonderful contacts. Nevertheless, the fact that we are publishing in this current issue of the Journal the translation into English of Sonia’s paper and Claudio Brasil’s analysis, made me return to a subject that I consider of great importance.
The publication in English of those two texts is a result of the intense interest of some readers of the Journal, who could not follow the original story in Portuguese, and are very keen not to miss any information about ITC contacts with animals. I hereby thank Dr Fernanda Alcântara and Dr. Marília Alcântara Duarte for their translations of the original texts, which made it possible for all the English-language readers to discover Lorinho’s lovely story.
In this scope, the most pertinent remark that comes to my mind is the following – why do we marvel at these apparent contacts with the animals we loved or, as a matter of fact, with any animals? The reply to this question is not an easy one. Is it because they are realized through electronic means, and animals in our world cannot manipulate electronic devices? Or is it simply because those we call animals can communicate at all? The third and most absurd consideration would be based upon the disbelief that animals survive physical death.
I will try to think aloud, so to speak, with my readers about these propositions, all of which are, in my view, absurd. We cannot imagine that the communication between this world and the next dimension of life is based upon the manipulation of electronic devices (which, in our opinion, animals would not comprehend), such as ours. That would be a very naïve and bizarre idea. I am not affirming that there are no devices in the next world that mediate in ITC contacts, because the communicators have stated on several occasions that they do use some form of devices (Alvisi 1976, Jürgenson 1967, Locher and Harsch 1995, Schäfer 1989, among others). Those devices, which at any rate must be very different from our technological means, on their own could not certainly accomplish a contact between dimensions, as our devices, on their own, cannot achieve any contacts from our side, either. This point has also been stressed by the communicators. “The technique does not replace the power of thought”, as the high entity ABX Juno is reported to have said at Peter and Gisela Härting’s home (Schäfer,1994, p. 145), and as we can easily confirm through our knowledge of the history of the subject. In reality in this world electronic devices are indispensable for ITC contacts, but they are not their basis. Unfortunately, and although our understanding of the complexities involved in this marvellous means of communication is still very meagre, it would be equally untrue and very naïve to attribute the success of the communications to the psychic capacities of the experimenter. Undoubtedly, the process seems to be one of synergy between communicators, experimenter and devices, also involving factors unknown to us. But above all it seems to be exclusively directed by the communicators, although perhaps not dependent on them only. References to “permission to speak” are a constant in almost every experimenter’s practice, especially in DRV communications.
Maybe love, an intense desire to communicate and a lot of work are from their side, as much as they are from ours, factors that facilitate the contact together with the necessary permission to speak. Moreover, it seems apparent that the more advanced contacts of DRV, computer texts, etc. need not only the supervision but also the help of high entities in order to render them possible. As to whom those high entities might be is a pure speculative exercise that should be avoided, because obviously we are not in a position to find out anything else other than what those higher beings themselves have told us (Locher and Harsch ibid, Schäfer 1989 ibid, Senkowski 1995, among others).
The remark about the possibility as to whether animals can communicate is not very relevant because anybody with a superficial contact with animals will easily acknowledge the fact that animals can and do communicate, but most of the times it is their human friends or companions who cannot understand them. In the May 2008 issue of Mensa magazine, there was a very interesting article that speculated about the possibilities that more advanced, subtle technologies may offer effective communication between humans and other animals in the not so distant future. Mensa also said that it remains to be seen if the accomplishment of such a possibility will increase animal exploitation by humans, or if it will make humans realize the existence of similar feelings and emotions of their fellow animals, and therefore make them more compassionate toward them. Indeed, that remains to be seen, but let us pray that the latter becomes true one day, no matter how difficult it may seem in view of the present terrible abuse we perform on animals.
The third objection regarding animals’ survival of physical death. It is still commonplace to see references in the parapsychological literature, and elsewhere, to the “survival of human spirit or human mind”, or to the “spiritual nature of man”, etc. We should, I think, start by acknowledging that the ‘spiritual nature of man’ has practically destroyed the planet and made it uninhabitable for his own and all other species! If we do so, we cannot, of course, take such statements seriously. Religions, very especially monotheist religions – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – are greatly responsible for this anthropomorphic, narrow view of the world that has molded human thought and human mental patterns so prejudicially, throughout the centuries.
Distinct ITC communicators in different parts of the world have mentioned the expansion of consciousness achieved in the next world. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Friedrich Jürgenson considered that the extraordinary capacities that the communicators seem to possess are also the result of the particular, most advanced conditions of their world (Jürgenson ibid). Interestingly, Rio do Tempo communicators confirmed this point years ago, when I once asked if their extraordinary capabilities – of being able to be in two places at the same time, to communicate telepathically with the animals and the plants, to travel with thought, etc. – were the result of the death process or if they pertained to their world and, therefore, were available to everybody. They said that the latter proposition was true. It seems that little Tuly’s sentence “Moi, j’comprends tout” avails this hypothesis, and reflects, furthermore, a tremendous expansion of consciousness. I believe that full consciousness – be it of little Tuly or of a highly developed human – is always there inside each one of us but our world, our senses, and our mental patterns confine it.
Going back to our issue i.e., why would we marvel at animal ITC communications and not at human ones, I would say that in addition to the above mentioned ideas, human arrogance, an attitude that is chiefly based upon the human mental constructs of superior and inferior, also plays a part in it. If we consider animals as ‘inferior’ we will be surprised that they even survive death and certainly that they could communicate from another dimension. However, if we ponder on the concepts of superior and inferior, we have to realize that they are also erroneous. In Nature, and Nature is all there is, there is no inferior or superior. In Nature everything is different and complementary but never superior or inferior. If not, how could it be that the beings we humans consider to be inferior, e. g. plants, bacteria, micro-organisms, minerals, are the foundation proper of life? How can they be inferior if, without them, life is not possible for any ‘superior’ being? Completeness, achieved through the active contribution of different but complementary parts, is one of the basic laws of Nature, and one which, in itself, invalidates the concepts of inferior and superior.
At the very beginning of systematic ITC communications, Dr Konstantin Raudive recorded a voice that said “Kant does not have any importance here” (Breakthrough, 1971, page 30) while Rio do Tempo has said: “Aqui no Rio do Tempo somos todos iguais” (Here in Rio do Tempo we are all equal). On one particular occasion, after one of Nisha’s communications, when the communicators had also told me “We are in contact with Nisha and she wants to speak with you” (translation), I asked them if animals in their world had the autonomy to want to speak with me, and they replied with: “It is more or less so”. When on another occasion I consulted the communicators on how animals progressed in their world, they answered with “They also try to know more”.
Expansion of consciousness seems indeed to be a purpose of life in any form and in any stage. My dear deceased friend Pierre Théry, somebody with whom I had only occasional contacts but who I came to appreciate very much, reported on a recognizably authentic telephone conversation from Konstantin Raudive in the next world to a French lady, Mme. Aline Piget, during which he said: “I would like you to know, dear Aline, that the object of an earthly life is not just the goodness. The object is to be conscious…”. (Théry, 2000). Hence, it seems that the expansion of consciousness will attain a notable development in next world but it should definitely start in our world. Let us work for it.
- Alvisi, G. (1976). As Vozes dos Vivos de Ontem. Mem Martins, Portugal: Publicações Europa-América.
- Holbe, R. (1989). Immagini dal Regno dei Morti. Roma: Edizioni Mediterranee. (German original 1987).
- Jürgenson, F. (1967). Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen (Freiburg im Br. : Herman Bauer. Republished 1981 by Goldmann Verlag (München).
- Locher, T. and Harsch, M. (1989). Les Contacts vers l’Au-delà à l’aide de moyens techniques existent ! Association Suisse de Parapsychologie et Cercle d’Etudes sur la Transcommunication du Luxembourg. (1995, édition française, Agnières: Parasciences)
- Raudive, K. (1971). Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe.
- Schäfer, H. (1989). Original ed. Brücke Zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits. Freiburg: Verlag Hermann Bauer KG.
- Schäfer, H. (1994). Ponte entre o Aqui e o Além, Teoria e Prática da Transcomunicação. São Paulo: Ed. Pensamento Ltda.
- Senkowski, E. (1995). Instrumentelle Transkommunikation (first ed. 1989) Frankfurt: R. G. Fischer.
- Théry, P. (2000). The first telephone contact in France by Konstantin Raudive. ITC Journal, 2, 42-43.
Dearest Dr Annabela,
I have read your wonderful book “Electronic Voices” twice and if ever I could only save one book as a result of a fire this would be the one.
My mind reaches out to you regarding your work on E.V.P but my heart reaches out to you about your love and respect for animals which matches my own.
May i wish you all the love and luck this world has to offer and maybe at some future date on the next stage of life I will be able to say hello. I’d really like that.
it’s great and wonderful !
My poodle – Harriet passed on over a year ago and I cannot stop grieving for her. not a day passes when I do not think of her and the tears then start to flow. Will we meet again – her death was so sudden and unexpected. Is she lonely, is she hungry, is she cold. I love her so much .
Gillian, from our study, and reports from others, we are confident that our pets do just fine on the other side. Just as your body is for your immortal self, from our study, we think the body of your Harriet was a physical organism that provided an avatar for her immortal personality. Your love for her will continue to be part of her being, just as memory of her remains part of yours. As we understand it now, the “we” in “We do not die” means all life.
First of all, many thanks for this vital information you have posted. I have been concerned about the ubiquitous abuse and exploitation of non-human animals (NHA), for a long time, and often wonder what they (deceased NHAs) may advice humanity to do to change this. As a vegan/animal activist/advocate, I am eager to see more changes that will bring about the liberation of all NHA beings.
Has anyone been fortunate enough to receive information from discarnate NHAs (who are non-pets) re this subject? Has anyone heard from a factory farmed animal, a laboratory animal, a service animal….? How can we ever hope to have world peace while we use, abuse and exploit our fellow species? The unfathomable volume of the suffering of animals (by ‘unconscious’ humans) must surely be an impediment to global higher consciousness?
Susan, the animal contacts have been matter-of-fact. In most cases, it is in terms of Sarah Estep’s husband saying he has their transitioned dog with him. In one instance, it seemed that two still physical dogs were talking about playing. (here, it is clear that the person doing the EVP recording was the channel for the utterance. Her mind likely translated the gestalt expressions of the playing dogs into speech understood by her worldview.)
We have a video-loop image of a cow and many images of dogs and even apparent aliens (,, and
The model based on lessons from transcommunication we are working with, the Implicit Cosmology, includes the idea that reality consists of life fields and the expressions of life fields. Life fields are qualitatively the same but express their characteristics differently, depending on their purpose.
Purpose is determined by the Organizing Principle of Perceptual Agreement: “Personality must be in perceptual agreement with the aspect of reality with which it will associate.” For instance, A cell life field cannot drive a car because it is not entangled with a human and it has no perception of “car” or “driving.”
The concept of “animals” is a construct of the physical aspect of reality. The physical is a venue for learning, but otherwise, is not reality. As a collective agreement, Life fields participate in this venue, following its constructs, as a means of gaining understanding. Increased understanding of the nature of reality results in increased perceptual awareness and a wider range of opportunities to gain understanding. (In a sense, the transmigration concept of Hinduism and Buddhism may have merit.)
To be clear, this model is not widely known, understood or accepted, but it embraces the sense we have that Machaelle Small Wright is correct in saying all life matters.
Based on our’s and other reported transcommunication, immortal personalities are different only in understanding. Plant and animal cells appear to be life fields but the core consciousness of the organism may congregate them as a collective. As suggested by Rupert Sheldrake, species such as dogs or cows, may be congregated as a collective as well. In the same way, it appears that we are in a collective congregated ( and issuing from) a core personality.
Eating a cow does not appear to be much more than a learning opportunity for the eater and the eaten. (Think in terms of you being an immortal personality) Eating and being eaten is a characteristic of the physical venus that is to be understood, rather than avoided. We are not our body. Some studies indicate that our conscious self exits our body just before physical harm to the body. The reported result is that, although the body will respond out of instinct, its core intelligence is able to “stand back” to avoid the effect. It is essential that we participate in this physical venue … and that means our avatar eating and eventually being eaten … but it is also essential that we take each eating opportunity to gain understanding from the experience.
What we take with us to the other side is understanding. Different experiences offer different oppotunities to gain understanding. It is a human condition, even a physical venue condition, that we eat and the human animal, ou avatar, has evolved to eat both plant and animal. Our first task is to honor your human. Our second task is to be humane.