John Belushi
We were invited to help Universal Pictures to help them market the movie, White Noise. For the DVD release party that was held in the famous and haunted Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, we were asked to record for EVP in the hotel and play the resulting examples on camera. During that process, Lisa recorded, “John Belushi” in the Lombard-Gable Penthouse. We later learned that Belushi lived in the hotel when he first moved to LA, and that he learned to love the old hotel.
Prepare to die
We are often asked about the dangers involved in opening communication with the other side. All and all, recording for EVP is safe. Some message can be a little unnerving, but we are pretty sure those are a reflection of our own fears. It is in the eyes or ears of the perceiver. In this case, we recorded the EVP, “Prepare to die,” when we asked, “Do you not want people here?” The words are spoken by what sounds like a southern gentleman about to engage his opponent in a duel, and we feel that the utterance being so dramatic, is more a humorous response than something that should be taken as threatening. This was recorded in the Levi House in Reno, Nevada.
We keep looking for peace
In an investigation of the Cal-Neva Resort at Lake Tahoe for the Dead Famous television series, we were able to record in the theater built by Frank Sinatra while he owned the casino. Several mediums had reported a threatening personality lurking at the back of the stage area. In that same area, we recorded, “We keep looking for peace.” Our sense is that it was spoken by one of the bodyguards who protected some of the famous personalities who visited there.
Hidden morphine
On the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe is the Thunderbird Lodge built by George Whittell. We have participated in a couple of media events there that included opportunities to record for EVP. In this example, you will hear the voice of a woman say, “Hidden morphine.” We later learned that Whittell was addicted to morphine and his lady friend was a nurse who gave him morphine shots.
Betty’s in there
One of the bonus features on the White Noise DVD includes us recording in the haunted, Hollymont Castle in Beechwood Canyon, near Los Angeles, California. Lisa recorded “Betty’s in there” as we approached a bedroom. The Bedroom is at the top of the same stairs near which an orb was seen in the DVD bonus feature at about three minutes. As you can see in the picture below the white arrow is pointing at the black, fussy puff. It is shown a little clearer in the inset. The orb was rapidly moving and was only in a few frames.
Think Positively … instantly away
When we visited Alcatraz, we recorded for EVP at a place from which San Francisco can be seen through a barred window. The city is beautiful and seemed very close. We knew it must have been terrible torture for the inmates to see freedom so close, yet so far away. Lisa said as much while recording, and captured this voice saying, “Think Positively … instantly away.”
Paolo Presi … Alexander MacRae
We had expected to encounter angry and confused personalities, but instead, recorded many positive remarks. We even recorded several voices saying “Paolo Presi,” an Italian ITC researcher we sometimes work with. This is followed by other voices saying, “Alexander MacRae.”
Please don’t come
An example of an EVP being appropriate to a circumstance is an EVP recorded by Lisa Butler. The Butlers were asking a woman about the upstairs lighting and sound room for the Frank Sinatra Theater at the Cal-Neva Casino at Lake Tahoe, CA. They had heard that the heavy door to the room often shut for no apparent reason, scaring the crews setting up lights and sound systems for shows. The woman told them that she would never ever go up there. Lisa’s recorder was on while she thanked the woman for her assistance. On the recording, Lisa can be heard saying, “Thank you very much.” Underneath her voice, is a clearly heard paranormal voice saying, “Please don’t come.”However politely said, it seems obvious someone did not want to be disturbed.
The Death Knell
Lisa and I were asked by Universal Studios to help them market the Mickael Keaton movie, White Noise. They took us to a few reportedly haunted places where we did a walkabout while recording for EVP. One such place was the -Excalibur night club in Chicago. It was used as a temporary morgue for bodies from the ship, Eastland. Western Electric was having a company party on it, and before the ship left the dock, it rolled over and many people died.
Lisa recorded the EVP “Death knell.” You can hear her ask, “Why do I feel so much sadness here?” Then a pause, followed by what sounds like a water drum “Da-dum!” and then the voice “The death knell.” Alternatively, it may say “The death toll.” See The Eastland Disaster Killed More Passengers Than the Titanic and the Lusitania. Why Has It Been Forgotten?
The first version below is as it was recorded. The words are Class C so I amplified it for the second exampled. We speculate that the drum sound is a lot like what rescue workers heard through the metal hull as trapped passengers tried to get out.
Original The Death Knell
Amplified The Death Knell