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David Vee–Past Recorded in the Wall

(C)David Vee 2003, all rights reserved.

David Vee, who founded Ghosts-UK in 1987, sent us an interesting EVP recording in 2003. It was recorded on a mini disc in one of England’s most haunted castles. On the recording, you hear people speaking in what sounds like Medieval Latin and then you hear the definite sound of a drawbridge being raised (or lowered). The site did have a drawbridge but it was removed in 1550!

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We have lost contact with David and cannot vouch for this example. We post the slightly enhanced recording here as a possible example of what are referring to as the “Stone Tape Theory.” Like this example, the idea of the theory is that inanimate object–rocks, the earth–might be able to retain information from the past such as activity in a room.

We do not know if the theory has merit. As of this time, we do not have a sense of how it might be integrated into what we think we do know about things paranormal.

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