Tom and Lisa Butler at the Cal-Neva Lodge, North Shore, Lake Tahoe. The white line through the fire screen separates California (left) from Nevada. Picture taken by Janice Oberding
In this first example, we were recording in one of the cell blocks at Alcatraz. You can hear Lisa say, “You can speak on this device.” Immediately after that, one or two men can be heard saying, “That’s right, we know you.” The example appeared in Tom’s recorder but not in Lisa’s. It has been slightly filtered above 1300 Khz.
“You can speak on this device,” “That’s right, we know.”
Lisa was in the Saint Mary’s Art Center in Virginia City, Nevada, conducting part of a workshop for the Truckee Meadows Community College. The south-west corner of the multi-story building is often associated with apparitions, cold spots and general sensations of energy. Lisa had entered into the field of energy in the basement, and while recording for EVP, she commented on the sensation of energy she was feeling. Right after that was a gravelly voiced lady said, “Get back dear,” as if Lisa was standing too close to her.
“Get back dear”
During a hauntings investigation at the Cal-Neva Resort at Lake Tahoe, CA/NV we recorded this EVP in the cabin that was used by Marilyn Monroe. The Cal-Neva was owned by Frank Sinatra at one time and Marilyn had her own cabin there. They had been calling on Marilyn to speak to them and got this voice that sounds like her. But as you may know, they cannot say for sure that this is Marilyn. Anyone on the other side could have mimicked a voice to give what they were asking for.
“Wana see a movie?”
This EVP is actually spoken at the same time that Lisa is speaking and is a good example to practice hearing EVP. Again, at the Cal-Neva, they were given a tour of Sinatra’s dressing room which is now an office for the banquet staff. The employee that invited them in, said that she felt the place to be very haunted. We were asking her about the upstairs lighting and sound room, as we had heard that the heavy door often shut for no apparent reason, scaring the crews setting up lights and sound systems for shows. She told us that she would never ever go up there. Lisa’s recorder was on while she thanked the lady for her assistance. On the recording, Lisa can be heard saying, “Thank you very much.” Underneath her voice, is a clearly heard paranormal voice saying, “Please don’t come.” However politely said, it seems obvious someone did not want them in the sound and lighting room!
“Thank you very much.”“Please don’t come.”
Here is a typical EVP so that you will know what to look for on your recordings. Listen very closely. Headphones would help. You can hear the faint reply, “Jason.” This is the raw soundtrack recorded with a digital recorder.
“Can you tell us your name”? … “Jason.”
Here, the phenomenal utterance, “Jason” has been enhanced by selectively adjusting the sound track envelope, noise reduction and amplification.
Please note that Debbie has made her transition to the other side
Debbie Caruso was a prolific EVP experimenter who has attempted to contact longtime ITC researcher, Erland Babcock, who has recently made his transition to the other side. Erland has communicated with several Association members via EVP, and we think he is learning to continue his support of EVP research from the other side.
In this example, you will hear Debbie say, “Hi Erland, It’s Debbie.” You will then hear the EVP, “Hi! Thank you Debbie. Debbie … I can only talk to certain people.” We have a little difficulty hearing all of the last phrase, but the first portion is very clear. It is also interesting in the way that the voice seems to phase in and out as the man speaks.
In this example, you will hear Debbie say, “If anyone’s here, and you are from the Big Circle, tell me your name.” You will then hear the EVP, “Rob …. Peter … Joseph,” with each name spoken by a different person. The Big Circle is a group of ATransC members, and loved ones on the other side who record together every other Thursday as a virtual recording group.
EVP are energy limited, in that they are usually short phrases. of just a few words, The shorter utterances tend to be louder and the longer ones tend to be less loud. Many will clearly trail off at the end as energy runs out. In the case of very long messages, the EVP will be delivered as short packets of words, with brief pauses between, apparently to allow for the accumulation of more energy.
In this example, you will hear, “We’re living … were all together … Ma, … among the living.” You may need to refer to the display below to help you find the words.
Debbie has been helping the development work of Gary Nixon by testing the effectiveness of various hardware designs for EVP recording. Gary noted that, “Debbie and I have collaborated over the years, especially the last, where I would send her EVP detection gizmos and she would test them with the ‘regulars’ that always seemed to be around her. I was her Geek, and, she, my Geekette, so named because of the arsenal of EVP gear she had collected.” The last item of technology she tested for him produced this EVP: you will hear Debbie say “Merry Christmas” and what sounds like a small boy respond with “Merry Christmas.”
During our last sitting with the Circle of the Silver Cord, David Thompson once again brought through Konstantin Raudive. He told us that he continues to try to communicate in every way possible. “I will never give up,” he said about his efforts to prove survival via transcommunication. He asked us to tell everyone that he is going to try to pass on a “code phrase” and wants everyone who can, to record on October 27, 2010 at 10 pm. He was not specific as to time zone, so we think it would work best if you recorded at 10 pm your time. Look for him in other forms of phenomena as well.
We were 32,000 feet above Ely, Nevada at 10 p.m., on our way to England. Since we were crossing time zones, we picked Florida time because that was where we were for the séance. Unfortunately, we were close to the engines and all our recorder picked up was their noise.
ATransC received no reports via the website contact tool. However, many members reported that they recorded Konstantin’s name. Jutta Lebmann of the German VTF reported “…just in the beginning of the recording a high female singing voice announces ‘Kommt Raudive’ and then a male voice similar to Raudive’s lifetime voice says ‘Raudive … kommt Raudive….’, the messages are in German language.” “Kommt” translates to English as “come.”
The promised code phrase was “Light 22” and we are happy to report that an ATransC member succeeded using EVPmaker and crowd babble. The “light” is clearly discernible, but the “22” is a little more difficult to hear. Because this is not a Class A example, we will not post it here.
Since 1998, I have received several Direct Radio Voice (DRV) communications from a little voice that identifies itself as Nisha’s, one of my beloved deceased Doberman dogs.
In 2001, I published in issue 5 of the ITC Journal “La historia de Tuly” (pp. 77- 80) by Maryvonne and Yvon Dray about an ITC contact with their daughter Karine’s deceased dog, Tuly. Like Nisha, Tuly is reported to have spoken with a human voice and to have said in French “Moi, j’comprends tout” (Me, I understand everything). The Drays, who are originally French, have also recorded sounds of horses, birds and cats. I myself, while recording a long DRV communication from Rio do Tempo Station, in March 1999, captured a beautiful bird singing and immediately asked the communicators if they had a little bird with them. Their immediate reply was, also, “Sim” (Yes).
The moving story of Darren and Alex Williams’ communications with their beloved dog Fox was recently published in issues 29 and 30 of the ITC Journal and this was followed by Sonia Rinaldi’s paper “Contatos de Animais – Irrealidade ou uma Possibilidade?” published in issue 31 of the Journal (pp. 38 – 46). This story is about ITC contacts with Claudio Brasil’s deceased parrot, Lorinho, realized through the mediation of Sonia Rinaldi. Before publication of the article, I heard some of the audio files containing the communications that are the basis for it, and I can testify that I could easily understand most of the speech transcriptions that Sonia had sent me, together with the audio clips, pronounced in what sounded like a parrot’s voice speaking in Portuguese. Communications with animals seem to date from the very beginning of ITC contacts, and perhaps Klaus Schreiber was the first to report on them. In his case, the striking EVP recording of a voice that identified itself as belonging to his deceased crow Jakob (Holbe, 1989 p. 126).
In my editorial “Love Stories”, in issue 29 of the ITC Journal, I have described some facts of my life associated with the love for my beautiful dog Surya – to whom I owe, above and beyond many other things, the opening of the door to transcendence – and how I feel about these wonderful contacts. Nevertheless, the fact that we are publishing in this current issue of the Journal the translation into English of Sonia’s paper and Claudio Brasil’s analysis, made me return to a subject that I consider of great importance.
The publication in English of those two texts is a result of the intense interest of some readers of the Journal, who could not follow the original story in Portuguese, and are very keen not to miss any information about ITC contacts with animals. I hereby thank Dr Fernanda Alcântara and Dr. Marília Alcântara Duarte for their translations of the original texts, which made it possible for all the English-language readers to discover Lorinho’s lovely story.
In this scope, the most pertinent remark that comes to my mind is the following – why do we marvel at these apparent contacts with the animals we loved or, as a matter of fact, with any animals? The reply to this question is not an easy one. Is it because they are realized through electronic means, and animals in our world cannot manipulate electronic devices? Or is it simply because those we call animals can communicate at all? The third and most absurd consideration would be based upon the disbelief that animals survive physical death.
I will try to think aloud, so to speak, with my readers about these propositions, all of which are, in my view, absurd. We cannot imagine that the communication between this world and the next dimension of life is based upon the manipulation of electronic devices (which, in our opinion, animals would not comprehend), such as ours. That would be a very naïve and bizarre idea. I am not affirming that there are no devices in the next world that mediate in ITC contacts, because the communicators have stated on several occasions that they do use some form of devices (Alvisi 1976, Jürgenson 1967, Locher and Harsch 1995, Schäfer 1989, among others). Those devices, which at any rate must be very different from our technological means, on their own could not certainly accomplish a contact between dimensions, as our devices, on their own, cannot achieve any contacts from our side, either. This point has also been stressed by the communicators. “The technique does not replace the power of thought”, as the high entity ABX Juno is reported to have said at Peter and Gisela Härting’s home (Schäfer,1994, p. 145), and as we can easily confirm through our knowledge of the history of the subject. In reality in this world electronic devices are indispensable for ITC contacts, but they are not their basis. Unfortunately, and although our understanding of the complexities involved in this marvellous means of communication is still very meagre, it would be equally untrue and very naïve to attribute the success of the communications to the psychic capacities of the experimenter. Undoubtedly, the process seems to be one of synergy between communicators, experimenter and devices, also involving factors unknown to us. But above all it seems to be exclusively directed by the communicators, although perhaps not dependent on them only. References to “permission to speak” are a constant in almost every experimenter’s practice, especially in DRV communications.
Maybe love, an intense desire to communicate and a lot of work are from their side, as much as they are from ours, factors that facilitate the contact together with the necessary permission to speak. Moreover, it seems apparent that the more advanced contacts of DRV, computer texts, etc. need not only the supervision but also the help of high entities in order to render them possible. As to whom those high entities might be is a pure speculative exercise that should be avoided, because obviously we are not in a position to find out anything else other than what those higher beings themselves have told us (Locher and Harsch ibid, Schäfer 1989 ibid, Senkowski 1995, among others).
The remark about the possibility as to whether animals can communicate is not very relevant because anybody with a superficial contact with animals will easily acknowledge the fact that animals can and do communicate, but most of the times it is their human friends or companions who cannot understand them. In the May 2008 issue of Mensa magazine, there was a very interesting article that speculated about the possibilities that more advanced, subtle technologies may offer effective communication between humans and other animals in the not so distant future. Mensa also said that it remains to be seen if the accomplishment of such a possibility will increase animal exploitation by humans, or if it will make humans realize the existence of similar feelings and emotions of their fellow animals, and therefore make them more compassionate toward them. Indeed, that remains to be seen, but let us pray that the latter becomes true one day, no matter how difficult it may seem in view of the present terrible abuse we perform on animals.
The third objection regarding animals’ survival of physical death. It is still commonplace to see references in the parapsychological literature, and elsewhere, to the “survival of human spirit or human mind”, or to the “spiritual nature of man”, etc. We should, I think, start by acknowledging that the ‘spiritual nature of man’ has practically destroyed the planet and made it uninhabitable for his own and all other species! If we do so, we cannot, of course, take such statements seriously. Religions, very especially monotheist religions – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – are greatly responsible for this anthropomorphic, narrow view of the world that has molded human thought and human mental patterns so prejudicially, throughout the centuries.
Distinct ITC communicators in different parts of the world have mentioned the expansion of consciousness achieved in the next world. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Friedrich Jürgenson considered that the extraordinary capacities that the communicators seem to possess are also the result of the particular, most advanced conditions of their world (Jürgenson ibid). Interestingly, Rio do Tempo communicators confirmed this point years ago, when I once asked if their extraordinary capabilities – of being able to be in two places at the same time, to communicate telepathically with the animals and the plants, to travel with thought, etc. – were the result of the death process or if they pertained to their world and, therefore, were available to everybody. They said that the latter proposition was true. It seems that little Tuly’s sentence “Moi, j’comprends tout” avails this hypothesis, and reflects, furthermore, a tremendous expansion of consciousness. I believe that full consciousness – be it of little Tuly or of a highly developed human – is always there inside each one of us but our world, our senses, and our mental patterns confine it.
Going back to our issue i.e., why would we marvel at animal ITC communications and not at human ones, I would say that in addition to the above mentioned ideas, human arrogance, an attitude that is chiefly based upon the human mental constructs of superior and inferior, also plays a part in it. If we consider animals as ‘inferior’ we will be surprised that they even survive death and certainly that they could communicate from another dimension. However, if we ponder on the concepts of superior and inferior, we have to realize that they are also erroneous. In Nature, and Nature is all there is, there is no inferior or superior. In Nature everything is different and complementary but never superior or inferior. If not, how could it be that the beings we humans consider to be inferior, e. g. plants, bacteria, micro-organisms, minerals, are the foundation proper of life? How can they be inferior if, without them, life is not possible for any ‘superior’ being? Completeness, achieved through the active contribution of different but complementary parts, is one of the basic laws of Nature, and one which, in itself, invalidates the concepts of inferior and superior.
At the very beginning of systematic ITC communications, Dr Konstantin Raudive recorded a voice that said “Kant does not have any importance here” (Breakthrough, 1971, page 30) while Rio do Tempo has said: “Aqui no Rio do Tempo somos todos iguais” (Here in Rio do Tempo we are all equal). On one particular occasion, after one of Nisha’s communications, when the communicators had also told me “Weare in contact with Nisha and she wants to speak with you” (translation), I asked them if animals in their world had the autonomy to want to speak with me, and they replied with: “It is more or less so”. When on another occasion I consulted the communicators on how animals progressed in their world, they answered with “They also try to know more”.
Expansion of consciousness seems indeed to be a purpose of life in any form and in any stage. My dear deceased friend Pierre Théry, somebody with whom I had only occasional contacts but who I came to appreciate very much, reported on a recognizably authentic telephone conversation from Konstantin Raudive in the next world to a French lady, Mme. Aline Piget, during which he said: “I would like you to know, dear Aline, that the object of an earthly life is not just the goodness. The object is to be conscious…”. (Théry, 2000). Hence, it seems that the expansion of consciousness will attain a notable development in next world but it should definitely start in our world. Let us work for it.
Alvisi, G. (1976). As Vozes dos Vivos de Ontem. Mem Martins, Portugal: Publicações Europa-América.
Holbe, R. (1989). Immagini dal Regno dei Morti. Roma: Edizioni Mediterranee. (German original 1987).
Jürgenson, F. (1967). SprechfunkmitVerstorbenen (Freiburg im Br. : Herman Bauer. Republished 1981 by Goldmann Verlag (München).
Locher, T. and Harsch, M. (1989). Les Contacts vers l’Au-delà à l’aide de moyens techniques existent ! Association Suisse de Parapsychologie et Cercle d’Etudes sur la Transcommunication du Luxembourg. (1995, édition française, Agnières: Parasciences)
Raudive, K. (1971). Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe.
Schäfer, H. (1989). Original ed. Brücke Zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits. Freiburg: Verlag Hermann Bauer KG.
Schäfer, H. (1994). Ponte entre o Aqui e o Além, Teoria e Prática da Transcomunicação. São Paulo: Ed. Pensamento Ltda.
Senkowski, E. (1995). Instrumentelle Transkommunikation (first ed. 1989) Frankfurt: R. G. Fischer.
Théry, P. (2000). The first telephone contact in France by Konstantin Raudive. ITC Journal, 2, 42-43.
Previously published in the Fall, 2004 ATransC NewsJournal (Vol. 23, 4)
Earland’s brown jug used for moving water ITC
Last quarter, we described how Arthur Soesman of the Netherlands was able to capture faces with a video camera and a bottle that is partially filled with water. He examines each frame of the video, seeking phenomenal features. In effect, he is substituting reflection from agitated water for the feedback noise used in Video ITC. The phenomenal features are often more distorted, probably because of the bottle, but they are impressive.
Erland Babcock has taken up Soesman’s challenge, only he has substituted a digital camera for the video camera. You can see the brown jug Erland found in the accompanying picture. The results have been impressive and continue to improve with each experiment. He told us he is submitting some of his work to an art contest.
We have included a good example to the left. You can see an arch of reflected light that is not part of the phenomenal images. The arc is rising from the bottom of the picture and more to your left of center. A round-faced man’s chin is just touching the top of the arc. The dark area above that is the man’s mouth and above that are two dark areas, which are his eyes, look at your right ear.
Just to the right of center is a man looking to your left. There is a bright line in the shape of an arc opening to the top of the page above his nose. This is not part of the feature. Just above that arc are his brow line and a well-defined left eye. You should be able to make out the man’s mouth, left cheekbone and hairline/temple.
Below is a recent experiment, in which we see what looks like an old, tall man in the background with long hair blowing in the wind to your right. His right ear sticks out from his hair more like a mule’s ear. He is looking toward you but down at the girl. Directly under his chin is a translucent dome hat, in which you can see the head and hair of a little girl facing your right. Hair on the left side of her head is blowing past her left cheek. It looks like her bare shoulders are pulled up, as if hunching down against the wind that is at her back.
Just in front of her is possibly a boy wearing the same type of hat. His chin is sloped into his neck and you can see his open mouth just under his nose that is facing up. He may have a dog in front of him looking at the boy.
Collecting photographic quality Video ITC features is turning out to be an elusive goal. We do not know if the techniques we are using will ever provide such quality, but we are certain that we can improve on the quality of what has been collected. It is also clear that our transpartners are also seeking to improve the images. In the following set of features, you will see that there is evidence of movement in consecutive frames and the possibility of larger scenes and groups of people.
These examples have been collected with the camera standing about three feet from the television screen. In some instances, the camera is also placed at about a forty-degree angle from the centerline of the screen. The resulting features tend to be larger but they also tend to be less sharp in focus and contrast. The result is more a suggestion of something recognizable than a clear-cut image. If you take time to carefully examine the examples, you will see that these represent an important evolution in our work.
A face in the upper-right corner, looking down
A man with mustache and possibly muttonchops. He is facing to your left.
Woman from just below her knees, up. She is facing, possibly walking, to the right. We believe you can see her arms holding a basket or gourd. She is wearing some kind of a hat. It also appears that there are trees and blue sky behind her.
Calf. As with the dog, the area of bright white is the forehead and the nose is below the white area. You can make out a little of the animal’s back in the lower-right area.
Apparently, a man (profile) whose head is in the middle-left portion of the frame. He appears to be looking to your right. It seems that he has something in his left hand. The area of dark extending to the right, just under the head, may be the person’s right shoulders and arm.
Dog. Look at the spot of bright white. That is the dog’s forehead. Follow the area of gray to the right and down to find the dog’s nose.
This dog showed up on consecutive video frames. In this one, the dog is facing you. It has upright ears. Some of the body may be showing.
Now the dog is closer to you. All you can see is from the nose up.
This appears to be a group of people. Only the man in the center (facing to your left) is evidently a person. The others are little more than a hint that something might be there. But collectively, the frame suggests that this is a group of people. For instance, there is a rather well formed man at the bottom and to the left of center.
We have continued to receive interesting results from both our ITC and EVP experiments in the past three months. We were preparing to do a presentation at the International Spiritualist Federation Congress in Toronto, Canada and asked to receive some EVP messages that would be of interest to this group and that would be clear and loud enough to play for the members. Immediately after we said this, a loud Class A voice said, “Spirit is helping.” We asked what our friends thought about mediums and they replied loudly, “Hear us through them.” We asked them what they thought about the Spiritualist belief in life after death. Again they came through loud and clear with the message “In the end has tendency to help you.” We laughed at this message but they certainly made their point. Our friends on the other side never fail to be there to help us, and when we ask for EVP messages for presentations, they have always come through.
Other EVP messages have been very interesting. On one experiment we asked if a channel to them was open. A voice came back saying, “Test, open the channel.” Another loud message that did not make sense came immediately after. We reversed it and it said, “This is now coded.” Other messages have told us that we, “Now have the computers.”
We have of course asked who is sending and helping us with the ITC pictures. Various names and transmitting stations have been noted. We would like to get more verification before mentioning these. However, one message said they were transmitting through the “AndersonSwitch,” a station that we have not heard referred to by other researchers.
Some of the interesting things that we have found in regard to the ITC pictures are that there are EVP on the audio track of the video. We had read not to bother with listening to these audio tracks, as there was never any EVP on them. This is not the case, but so far these have not come in as clearly as through an EVP experiment with our usual equipment. Two such messages, on the audio track of the video, mentioned dates. These dates had passed by the time we decided to see if there was EVP on the video.
We have set the video camera at various distances from the TV screen. We have defocused the camera past and in front of the TV screen. We have set up inches from the screen and several feet away. In every experiment ITC features have come through.
Our transpartners were providing help to meet criticisms before we even knew that they would come. We are finding the features at all four rotations of the video frames. In other words, we rotate a frame 90, 180 or 270 degrees and find faces. We have faced the criticism that we are doing nothing more than picking up TV transmissions even though the TV is not hooked up to an antenna or cable. We do not believe that TV transmissions are sent sideways or upside down.
It seems like they do things in series. One experiment resulted in many images of people and their pets. For instance, a woman sitting with her dog and another of a man who is proudly holding his dog in his arms. Other experiments seem to have a series of frames with certain nationalities of peoples. One feature that we were very excited about was of a lady sitting at a table. A perfect long-stemmed rose is on the table.
The bridge is getting stronger. We know this from the results that we are getting and we feel blessed with the results we have gotten in a mere seven months.
The pictures in order: man’s head; woman’s face; Einstein (?); young woman’s face; clown; man in armor; and, man holding dog.
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