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Bill Weber ITC

by ©Bill Weber – All Rights Reserved

Member Bill Weber has provided us with some very good EVP voice samples.  In the first one, you can hear an entity say I live in Spirit.

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The second is Egypt Air.”  This file has been slightly filtered to reduce background noise.

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4 thoughts on “Bill Weber ITC”

  1. On the second one, I hear ‘Turn the box down’, not Egypt Air.

    • I agree that it does not sound like “Egypt Air”, and with consideration of syllables, it’s more plausible as “turn the box down”. The syllables match up for sure! Crazy thing about EVP research, often times, especially when the EVPs are not “class A”, people will hear differently. Could it be that many hear at different frequency levels thus causing interpretation to vary??

      • I agree that the example might say something else. We reported it as the majority said they heard. We also wanted to include a few examples from Bill. This one had other characteristics that made sense.

        Counting syllables is a good approach if you are sure you have identified the speech part from other noise.

        Thanks for the comment.

        • Thank you Tom! It seems to me, that considering syllables(but as you said, if not background noise), as well as perhaps the topic or question asked of spirit when doing the EVP sessions, can help to translate what might be said. But the very fact that there’s definitely something being said,
          is truly amazing in and of itself, and worthy of continued research. Bless!

          Kevin Himes


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