Updated 10-25-2015
Welcome to Eternity
Messages From The Big Circle
The two websites are maintained by some of the founding members of the Big Circle.
The Big Circle consists of our loved ones in the etheric along with their loved ones in the physical. The realization that this group existed in the etheric, and was trying to connect to their loved ones here in the physical world, prompted members of the Association to form a special group called “Big Circle – Bridge to the Afterlife,” which is now referred to simply as the “Big Circle.” This group is composed of bereaved parents, spouses, siblings and friends, whose mission is to build a channel between the physical and etheric aspects of reality–a Bridge to the Afterlife.
We do this by joining our intention together on the first and third Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM your local time. You are invited to join in, perhaps by inviting friends and family members to sit with you for a brief meditation to focus your attention on the loved one you wish to contact, and then recording for three-to-five minutes.
The Big Circle forum is is no longer supported. However some of the members have established website with a Big Circle focus. See:
Messages From The Big Circle
Welcome to Eternity, Messages from the Big Circle and Beyond
In effect, this is a worldwide group recording session. It is our belief that the combine intention to contact loved ones on this day produces more energy for communication than what can be managed individually. Even if we are not all recording at the same moment, we are all turning our attention to the same objective during the same day. This attention helps gather the energy necessary for communication, and that helps all of us. Remember, our time and distance are irrelevant to our etheric loved ones in the etheric.
While the Big Circle community began with members of the ATransC, it is not just an ATransC group. In fact, most of the original ATransC members who were active in the Big Circle have moved on. The Big Circle EVP below makes it clear that our friends on the other side who help with this work want to help all of us.
You do not need to join anything. Just record or simply meditate at the regular time to contact your loved one. If there is sufficient interest, we can open a Big Circle forum in the ATransC Idea Exchange so that you can share contacts and help one another understand that loved ones continue to be with us, even after their transition out of this lifetime.
The Idea Exchange has been converted to “Read Only” due to lack of participation.
Please contact us if you have questions.
We are often told to call on our friends in the Big Circle for help in this lifetime. An example of this can be heard in a recording Big Circle co-founder, Martha Copeland made while praying for help. In it, you can hear her daughter, Cathy, saying “Big Circle,” as if to tell her that the Big Circle will help.
From Martha, “The group energy will be there, and if you miss a recording session, try to do one when you can.” You may pick up a voice that belongs to another member’s loved one. Spirit may use someone else in the group as a channel to get their message across to their loved one in the physical world. “
Begin your recording session with a prayer of protection and then ask for assistance from the Big Circle Spirit Team to bring through your loved one, or the loved one of another member. You may want to have a picture of your loved one close by.
Any type of recorder can be used and it does not have to be expensive. Speaking so that your voice will be recorded, ask questions and then making sure to be quiet long enough for your loved one to answer back. We recommend ten or fifteen seconds. Think of your loved one and perhaps looking at a photograph if you have one. Record no longer than five minutes and end the session with a prayer of thanks and send healing energy throughout the universe. Then listen to your recording using headphones. There are instructions here.
A note about attaching EVP samples: save them as mp3 files, mono, Sample Rate = 11025. Try to reduce the sample to some of your voice and the EVP or just the EVP. This will make it easier for others to listen to them. There are instructions in the “Techniques” section of the web site.

The name, “The Big Circle,” was first suggested by Martha Copeland’s daughter during a recording session. Martha’s daughter, Cathy, transitioned in December of 2001 and soon became an active communicator form the other side. You can hear some of her messages at ATransC.org. Martha and other members noticed that there seemed to be other voices accompanying their transitioned loved one’s voices on their recordings. It was during one such recording session that Martha was able to question Cathy about being with other people on the other side. Cathy responded to her question saying, “Yes, …The Big Circle” Since that time, other people residing in different parts of the world have also received, the message, “The Big Circle” during their recording sessions.
The Big Circle is much more than a grief support group, it involves a group of friends and loved ones on the other side that are connecting loved ones together in the physical world. Many support groups help individuals find other methods to deal with the intense grief accompanying the loss of a loved one. The Big Circle works to offer hope and to bring joy back into the lives of those who are adjusting to the loss of a loved one by teaching that who we really are, our personality, continues beyond physical death. The Big Circle teaches that it is possible to continue our relationship with loved ones across the veil with remembrance and communication through meditation, mediumship and transcommunication.
EVP Stories from the ATransC Big Circle
Stories told by people who have recorded the voice of their loved one using Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). The Big Circle is a name given by Martha Copeland’s daughter, Cathy, for people in the physical and in the etheric who help one another in life. This is an Association TransCommunication (ATransC) project. Parts of these videos were provided by worlditc.org. Produced by Lisa Winther-Huston evpsessions.com, Music by Rhonda Legate: “Whispers in the Wind”
This is amazing. Thank you all for sharing. I cannot wait to try this.
Hi. I would like recommendations on what time of recorder to purchase.
Teri, there is information in the paper at https://atransc.org/itc-white-paper/
Good work Tom!
Thanks, Tom! We also now have a new blog solely for posting our Big Circle first and third Thursday results. It is at: