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Karen Mossey EVP

©Karen Mossey – All Rights Reserved

Karen related this story to us about cross-correspondence told to her by her friend.
(paraphrasing some) “When we went to my friend’s house, my son Alex went right to a bedroom and stood there. My friend Deb said ‘Alex do you see something ?’ and he lifted his hand and pointed straight to the corner. [at an orb?] Deb went in the room with her camera and the orb went straight from the corner right into the closet. We felt the spirit to be one of a little girl that had lived in the house and had been abused by the grandfather and often locked into the closet. Deb (she is a medium) spoke to her and told her not to be afraid. As we stood there, the home owner’s cat ran into the closet. I (Karen) captured the EVP attached below. We later found out from Linda the name of her cat is Frank and it is obvious the little girl knew and loved the cat.

Comment: This is an example of establishing cross-correspondence with more than one form of phenomena. The event included a child who is known to be able to sense “spirit” energy, several witness of an orb that moved in a meaningful way, speech in an EVP that correctly named the cat at the right time to be meaningful and historical record of the place.

“Its Frank”

When Karen recorded this EVP she immediately recognized the voice to be that of her father.  Other friends and relatives also recognized his voice.

“I love you”

Karen’s father was a legislator in life and worked on passing laws.  You will see that this is exactly the same voice as the “I love you” EVP.

“I’m gonna pass a law … to pay you.”


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4 thoughts on “Karen Mossey EVP”

  1. Having been doing a variety types of spirit communication for 6 yrs, I found these to be really clear..thank you for sharing. May I ask what recording device was used for these recorded EVP?? I hope it wasn’t a DR60??


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